jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Frases "peirceanas"

Algunas frases de Peirce que reflejan su pensamiento.

«…la experiencia de un hombre no es nada, si se mantiene solo. Si ve lo que otros no pueden ver, lo llamamos alucinación. No es ʻmiʼ experiencia, sino ʻnuestraʼ experiencia sobre lo que se ha de pensar; y este ʻnosotrosʼ tiene posibilidades infinitas.»
Charles Sanders Peirce, Collected Papers, 1893.

«La palabra o el signo que el hombre usa es el hombre mismo.»

«By ʻsemiosisʼ I mean an action, or influence, wich is, or involves, a cooperation [sic] of three subjects, such as a sing, its object, and its interpretant, […] Σημειωις in Greek of the Roman period, as early as Cicero’s time, meant the action of almost any kind of sign.»
C.S.Peirce, Collected Papers, 5.484.

«Our beliefs guide our desires and shape our actions.»

«…the absolutely incognizable is absolutely inconceivable.»

«…every thougth is a sign.»

«The only thought, then, wich can possibly be cognized is thought in signs.»

«All association is by signs.»

«Thougths have no existence except in the mind; only as they are regarded do they exist.»

«The word or sign wich man uses is the man himself.»

«It is certainly important to know how to make our ideas clear, but they may be ever so clear without being true.»

«Thougth is a thread of melody running through the succession of our sensations.»

«The essence of belief is the establishment of a habit.»

«…the whole meaning of an intellectual predicate is that certain kinds of events would happen, once in so often, in the course of experience, under certain kinds of existential conditions —provided it can be proved to be true.»
C.S.Peirce, Ibídem., 5.468.

«…combinations of concepts exshibit a remacable analogy with chemical combinations.»

«Every concept, every general propositions of the great edifice of science, first came to us as a conjecture.»

«I am, as far as I know, a pioneer […] in the work of clearing and opening up what I call semiotic.»